So my wonderful husband has joined
Daymaker Movement, an organization devoted to making peoples' (and your own) life better by doing random acts of kindness.
For example, the other day he went into pick up a pizza for himself, noted the name on one of the other boxes, and said he also wanted to pay for such & such's pizza at the same time - since she was a friend of his (she was not. Or at least, I don't think she was...).
So just now I get an e-mail from him:
Papa Bear: I was just thinking about how much I love you and appreciate your influence in my life. And I wanted to let you know that's what I was thinking about.
Have a wonderful day.
Kindness is contagious. Let's start an epidemic.
Me: I think your computer has a virus.
PB: Ha, your face has a virus. Yeah, it's called the luv-bug. :O) LUV U, K