Meet my sweetie, Kali. Kali adopted us a year ago in September. On that day, our champagne tabby, Mojo, was sitting on one of the windowsills in the screen porch, as he often likes to do, when he started hissing and growling and his tail poufed up.
My daughter Ciara happened to hear the commotion and went out onto the back deck to take a look. She couldn't see anything at first in the fringes between woods and lawn, but she heard a tiny mew, and after a bit, spotted this tiny calico kitten coming out of the woods. Ciara ran in the house and called me outside. The kitten seemed skittish, coming up to the deck but not close enough for us to get too close to her. It seemed she wanted to approach us but didn't quite trust us. Finally, when Ciara sat down on the stairs of the deck, the kitten approached her close enough for Ciara to touch her.
We brought her into the screen porch (now emptied of Mojo) and fed her (she was ravenous). She ate and mewed and explored the porch and finally, settled down in my lap for a nap. I was smitten instantly. But of course, we had to find out of somebody lost her. She seemed too sweet to be a stray.
Kelly and Ciara organized the effort to canvas the neighborhood, knocking on doors and posting flyers on every mailbox. Nobody ever claimed her.

That was over a year ago. Kali continues to delight us every day. She has a magic about her, a quality that draws people to her (although I can't say Mojo was too thrilled at the new family addition). She is a little honey, crawling into my lap whenever she has the chance (something Mojo rarely does). And she rarely meows. When she does, it's more like a mew than a meow. Mostly she "talks" to us with little chirrups that sound like questions - "hello? do you still love me?" Of course the answer is always, always, a resounding, "yes!"
There is something so irrisitable about her that it is nearly impossible for me to pass by her without bending over to give her kisses. I'm pretty sure I enjoy them more than she does, but she doesn't complain. And sometimes, she gives them back to me. And I just want to purr.
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