The night I met Kelly, he told me about Jade right away, who was just a wee little thing back then, only 6 months old. He mentioned she was one of the only reasons he would hesitate to leave WY (where he lived) and move directly to MN (where I lived). At the time, he didn’t tell me she was his niece – I think, hoping for dramatic effect, I would assume she was his daughter. He didn’t leave me wondering for very long though, I guess he really wanted to move, and didn’t want me worrying that he was leaving his daughter behind.
Jade is at that wonderful age where she is learning lots of really cool stuff – stuff even adults don’t always know. Like, Greek mythology. Who remembers all of those stories and relationships? Not I. But Jade knows. I love that about her. She’s old enough to have an adult-like conversation with you, and talk about real things. Or mythological things.
I also love that Jade has always remembered who Kelly is, even though he left WY when she was just a baby. Even though he has only gotten home about once a year since, she always knows her “Uncle Kelly.” (Ok, so sometimes she called him “Auntie Kelly,” and me, “Uncle Vicki” when she was younger, but she still knew who she was talking about).
It is such a joy to have nieces and nephews. I am blessed by many, on both sides of my family. To watch them growing up, into the potential people they are becoming, it is one of my greatest pleasures.

Oh yes! she's just about perfect and the apple of my eye. She is growing up way to fast. She is in 3rd grade and has read ALL the Harry Potter books. Way to go Sweetie!