Until C-baby suddenly moved back home, after her second attempt at living on her own, after adopting not one, but TWO barn cats from her friend-of-a-friend-of-a-friend.

I distinctly remember having this chat with her when she moved out this last time:
V: "No cats! No dogs, either!"
C: "Yes mom."
V: "Good. You didn't take care of the last cat you adopted, at the first place you lived."
C: "Yeah yeah yeah."
That lasted about a week. Until her and her deathly allergic roommate visited a farm and her roommate decided that, hmmm, maybe she wasn't so deathly allergic after all, and wouldn't matching kittens, one black tabby, one brown, one for each of them, just be the bomb?
And so my dear daughter left the farm that day with two kittens in her luggage (darn it, those farmers must’ve had the same plan we have!).
Thus, Zoey & Romeo took up residence in C-baby's apartment. MUCH to my disapproval. Don't ever think that your 19-year-old-living-on-her-own daughter will listen to anything you say. Let me save you that disappointment right here and now.
So yeah, Zoey & Romeo lived happily ever after with C-baby. Until her roommate decided that, hmmm, maybe she was deathly allergic to cats after all. And hmmm, maybe she and C-baby should just get in a big fight over getting rid of the cats (would that be a cat-fight?), so C-baby would move out. And maybe C-baby would show up on our doorstep at 5:00am one morning with a kennel full of kittens.
So yeah, Zoey & Romeo resided in a large kennel in our garage. So that C-baby will find homes for them. Except now, C-baby doesn't like the name Romeo.So he tries on the name Jack for awhile. Until one day Pappa Bear says, "He's brown. He should be called Chocolate Moose." And so it was. It just fits him so much better.
But a house full of four cats is just a little too much for this Mom nom. C-baby has to find a place for at least one of them. My sister stepped in to save the day. We beguiled her daughter with Moose and his goofy crossed eyes, cow-hocked legs and chubby kitten Buddha belly. Little Nom's charm must've rubbed off on him a little bit, too. It all worked. Moose went home with my sister and niece on Thanksgiving.
One down.
Baby Nom is a character. She has a wiggle in her hind-end due to her cow-hocked legs. (C-baby asked me one day, "Why they call them 'cow-hawk' legs? Why two different animals?" Ahem.)
Baby Nom is adorable, as only a cow-hawked kitten can be. Her tail flips all the way up to her head when you pet her. She has amazing green eyes. The tips of her ears flair out. She looks very exotic. And she has a purr bigger than Texas.
So yeah, Zoey & Romeo lived happily ever after with C-baby. Until her roommate decided that, hmmm, maybe she was deathly allergic to cats after all. And hmmm, maybe she and C-baby should just get in a big fight over getting rid of the cats (would that be a cat-fight?), so C-baby would move out. And maybe C-baby would show up on our doorstep at 5:00am one morning with a kennel full of kittens.
So yeah, Zoey & Romeo resided in a large kennel in our garage. So that C-baby will find homes for them. Except now, C-baby doesn't like the name Romeo.So he tries on the name Jack for awhile. Until one day Pappa Bear says, "He's brown. He should be called Chocolate Moose." And so it was. It just fits him so much better.
But a house full of four cats is just a little too much for this Mom nom. C-baby has to find a place for at least one of them. My sister stepped in to save the day. We beguiled her daughter with Moose and his goofy crossed eyes, cow-hocked legs and chubby kitten Buddha belly. Little Nom's charm must've rubbed off on him a little bit, too. It all worked. Moose went home with my sister and niece on Thanksgiving.
One down.
Baby Nom is a character. She has a wiggle in her hind-end due to her cow-hocked legs. (C-baby asked me one day, "Why they call them 'cow-hawk' legs? Why two different animals?" Ahem.)
Baby Nom is adorable, as only a cow-hawked kitten can be. Her tail flips all the way up to her head when you pet her. She has amazing green eyes. The tips of her ears flair out. She looks very exotic. And she has a purr bigger than Texas.
She plays fetch with her favorite mouse. I toss it down the basement stairs, and she retrieves it and drops it near me. Over. And over. And over. Apparently in her last life she was a black lab.
She is the first of the three noms to find your warm lap and crawl up into it. She is also the first to follow us to bed at night, and will stay all night long, no matter how much egg-beating your legs are doing. Baby Nom is relational. I’m getting a wee bit too much attached to that little nommer.
It doesn’t help that Little Nom has taken a shine to her as well. Big Nom has never been one for inter-cat-affections, despite Little Nom’s many attempts, but Little Nom and Baby Nom, well, once they got over all the tail-poufing-hissing-growling-introductions, they like each other just fine. Baby Nom snuggles right up to Little Nom on the bed in their favorite sunny spot, then Little Nom wraps her paws around Baby Nom’s neck and starts grooming her, and that big ‘ol Texas purr wells up in Baby Nom and her eyes close in pure bliss. And my heart wells up with affection that only a mother can feel when witnessing that kind of maternal instinct.
So, I wonder when C-baby will be moving out, again? I sure hope she takes Baby Nom with her… (crossing my fingers behind my back).
She is the first of the three noms to find your warm lap and crawl up into it. She is also the first to follow us to bed at night, and will stay all night long, no matter how much egg-beating your legs are doing. Baby Nom is relational. I’m getting a wee bit too much attached to that little nommer.
It doesn’t help that Little Nom has taken a shine to her as well. Big Nom has never been one for inter-cat-affections, despite Little Nom’s many attempts, but Little Nom and Baby Nom, well, once they got over all the tail-poufing-hissing-growling-introductions, they like each other just fine. Baby Nom snuggles right up to Little Nom on the bed in their favorite sunny spot, then Little Nom wraps her paws around Baby Nom’s neck and starts grooming her, and that big ‘ol Texas purr wells up in Baby Nom and her eyes close in pure bliss. And my heart wells up with affection that only a mother can feel when witnessing that kind of maternal instinct.
So, I wonder when C-baby will be moving out, again? I sure hope she takes Baby Nom with her… (crossing my fingers behind my back).
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